
Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Sunday Currently | 09

I don't feel any pressure right now...and it's not true.
Currently I am...
Reading movie plots, novel plots, and the newly-purchased Preview mag.
Writing the Sunday Currently 09, and another poem coming up.
Listening to my roommate muttering something, and my playlist.
Thinking about how fast this year is. I think...too fast that i can't remember most of the things that happened to me.
Smelling coffee...
Wishing and praying for more love and peace and happiness all over the world.
Hoping and praying for good things for all people.
Wearing dark gray shirt, gray pants and gray slip on.
Loving the metro manila film festival entry that i watched today! #guesswhat
Wanting you...yes you, to be good!
Needing some research and practice about drawing and arts. I was asked by a Korean friend to teach her daughter to draw. I kindly told her i'm not good at drawing and there are lots of better ones out there , but she said she couldn't find any art teacher she’s willing to settle for an amateur like me haha.
Feeling pensive. I spent the 24th and 25th at home with my father, brother, and aunt. We didn't observe the traditional christmas practice (which we always don't), but just feeling blue because the house's scenario was the exact opposite of last year. It wasn't crowded and noisy and cheerful as before.
Clicking drawing tutorials on YouTube, Facebook and my playlist.

P.S. Special thanks to our K friend for preparing tteokkbokki today : )

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. 


  1. rish...hahha.puga and linya sang pabebe love..kaabot sa extension.haha.

    1. haha mayo lang i didn't watch on the first day haha.. yesterday puno pro wla ko iyawan linya kkkkk
